Do more today with the combined power of sustainability & performance
August 27, 2020
Home energy storage is an essential part of the green transition and is key for the future of sustainable homes. As energy prices continue to increase electricity consumption in the home is a growing concern for individuals. Renewable energy will of course be the cornerstone on which we 'Build Back Better'. However, due to their intermittency, renewable energy technologies need the support of battery storage for when the sun isn’t shining, and wind isn’t blowing. The Offgen allows monitoring of electricity usage in real-time, to allow control of when and how you use your energy. The 8 kWh energy storage system ensures greater energy security and resilience in the face of extreme weather or power outages.
· Resilience energy’s client had 4 properties at a new build estate which he wanted to make as sustainable as possible.
· In most cases installing an energy storage solution is the future homeowner’s choice.
· Above all, the customer wanted a sustainable energy solution.
· Need an energy storage solution that is durable and lasts as long as the pre-existing solar PV investment.
· Aceleron worked with partners Resilience Energy who were able to offer a pre-site visit.
· For the Offgen installation Aceleron worked with certified electrical installers Carter Sullivan.
· Aceleron provided a trained battery engineer onsite to commission the Offgen unit upon electrical installation.
· The Offgen was fitted using standard electrical components to make installation easier and faster.
· All components (inverter, batteries, battery management system, data monitoring) stored within a single compact box.
· Installation inside the home is not an issue; the compact size of the single box means safety and noise pollution are taken care of
· Battery product which can be serviced, repurposed and upgraded for a fully sustainable product.
· 20+ year lifespan, serviceable solution matching the lifespan of your solar PV investment.
· The Offgen reduces energy costs by minimising peak demand charges.
· With this system the integration of renewable energy from solar is easy.
· Provides energy security as batteries ensure that every unit of energy generated is put to use.
· UK manufacturing supporting local economies.
· Remote battery monitoring predictive intelligence system sending real-time performance data.
· Durable one box solution so can be installed indoors/outside.
Aceleron provides a sustainable energy storage solution that is designed to last as long as your solar PV investment. UK manufacturing and easy fast installations for any certified electrician allows us to provide excellent customer service. The Offgen is a sleek energy storage solution that can fit seamlessly into your new home.
July 25, 2022
Now is unquestionably the time to consider investing in a long term supply of clean energy that will give us independence from geopolitical influences whilst also contributing towards reaching net zero. With prices as high as they are, the initial cost outlay could be recouped in as little as five years which is all the more reason to seriously consider switching to a clean energy source.
June 13, 2022
With traditional boilers shortly being phased out, it is an interesting and, perhaps, uncertain time for installers in terms of what the alternatives will be and where the business opportunities lie - particularly for repeat business.
March 21, 2022
With gas boilers in the UK being phased out from 2025, the race is on to find a reliable, long-term and carbon-neutral alternative. Storing renewable energy for use even when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing has, without doubt, a significant part to play.
September 10, 2021
Upon a successful launch of the Essential Battery, we decided to dig a little deeper as to how our Chief Product Officer, Matt Isted reimagined what lithium-ion batteries needed to be today.
August 5, 2021
Lithium-ion batteries today are made like consumables. They’re produced to be used and then disposed of. The challenge is that these batteries are often manufactured in a manner that isn't sustainable. Discover how Aceleron have overcome this sustainable roadblock.
July 27, 2021
Let's talk about Batteries... How often do you think about batteries? If a battery is designed well, that means it is effectively doing the job, which gives us one less thing to worry about. Batteries are silent operators in the many things we use daily, and yet we don’t realise how beneficial the power they provide, truly is.
August 27, 2020
Home energy storage is an essential part of the green transition and is key for the future of sustainable homes. Aceleron partners with Resilience Energy to transform urban living.
August 18, 2020
Our Aceleron Speaks series is all about celebrating the amazing people behind Aceleron. This month we chat (virtually) with Greg, our Chief Operating Officer.
July 21, 2020
For all battery owners, learning how to look after your battery in the long term is essential to maximise your battery health. Do you need advice on charging your battery? Find out more.
May 4, 2020
A reflection on the week some of the Aceleron Team spent in Kenya at the Global Off-Grid Solar Expo (GOGLA).