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Highly commended for our Innovative Circular Economy battery technology

Aceleron was shortlisted as one of 10 amongst Cisco Systems, P&G HolyGrail 2.0, Unilever and other global companies for Edie’s Circular Economy Innovation of the Year award.

Highly commended for our Innovative Circular Economy battery technology

Aceleron - Highly Commended for Circular Economy Innovation of the Year award

Aceleron was shortlisted for Edie’s Circular Economy Innovation of the Year - the UK’s largest sustainability awards. The media outlet recognises achievements of green businesses, such as efficiency programmes, product innovations, social sustainability initiatives, change-makers.

On the nights of the awards Aceleron was standing amongst global companies like Cisco Systems, P&G HolyGrail 2.0, Unilever. All other 9 “competitors” for the award were well-deserving and we applaud them for their actions to promote sustainability within their organisations. Aceleron was not the overall category winner, however we proudly took home a Highly Commended certificate for our Battery Technology! Whoop!

February 6, 2020