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Deputy President Dr William Sameoi Ruto visits the Aceleron Kenya office

We are honoured to host his excellency, Dr William Samoei Ruto, at Aceleron Kenya office at the WEEE centre.

Deputy President Dr William Sameoi Ruto visits the Aceleron Kenya office

Kenya Operations Manager Joseph Mungai (right) pictured with Deputy President Ruto (left)

Aceleron was privileged to showcase our battery technology and suite of recycled lithium-ion products to Kenya's Deputy President his excellency William Ruto, who visited our workshop, together with other senior government officials. Ruto committed to further engage his team to find different ways in which Aceleron and WEEE centre can partner with various government departments to bring circular economy practices to the forefront of local product manufacturing.

This partnership would allow for better initiatives to increase the provision of affordable energy storage units in off-grid communities in Kenya.

July 16, 2020