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Aceleron turns four!

Today marks Aceleron’s 4th anniversary. A pivotal age for any start-up! So we’re reflecting on some of the highlights.

Aceleron turns four!

Anticipating a future with tonnes of unnecessary battery waste, co-founders Amrit and Carlton have grown Aceleron from a lunch table conversation to an award-winning lithium-ion battery manufacturer designing and building battery packs with sustainability in mind.

It’s been an exciting journey working hard to achieve our vision to become a world leader in sustainable battery technology, positively impacting as many lives as possible year on year. Now operational in three global markets, our energy storage battery products have provided energy access to households to back-up power for industrial and commercial use in the UK, Europe, Sub-Saharan Africa and The Caribbean.

We have so many highlights from the past 4 years and here are a few.

August 24, 2020