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London Tech Week Feature: "12 Clusters of Tech- West Midlands"

Aceleron are highlighted by London Tech Week and UK Tech Cluster Group as 1 of the 12 companies in the West Midlands district who are spearheading growth in the Tech industry.

London Tech Week Feature: "12 Clusters of Tech- West Midlands"

12 Clusters of Tech’s spotlight on the West Midlands

As part of the 12-month series, London Tech Week and UK Tech Cluster Group uncovered the West Midlands as one region in the UK, who boast a stimulating array of world class tech companies and renowned technologists.

In their report, Aceleron are highlighted as 1 of the 12 companies in the West Midlands district who are spearheading growth in the Tech industry. In times of the pandemic, many industries have been adversely affected; however, the Tech sector exclusively, has exhibited successful evolution where the amount of new tech start-ups “increased by 48% in quarter three 2020 compared to quarter one data”. This dramatic upsurge can be credited at least to the “impetus created by lockdown, which has driven an increase in demand for technology to support remote working.”

This momentum reflects upon us, where the report outlines our scale-up story. Let’s begin with asking, what exactly is a scale-up? Put simply, scale-up is high company growth. It’s where a company has achieved immensely, has actively pursued notable success and is ready to take progress further.

The report summarises how we are an award-winning clean technology start-up established in 2016 from Birmingham and are transforming battery waste management to kick start a circular energy economy fit for the future. In terms of scale-up, in July 2020, we secured £2m of investment to accelerate our international growth aspirations and scale-up assembly of batteries, which incorporates plans to double our team in the future.

We are very grateful for the recognition and will always aspire to raise national pride of being an outstanding and innovative clean technology company on the Tech scene.

Read the full report here:

March 15, 2021